Data entry
Data type - Date

Date after 1900 is accepted as a date. Date before 1900 is accepted as a text.

Data entry - Date after 1900, steps:

  1. Select cell.
  2. Type date on the keyboard.
  3. Date after 1900 is accepted as a date.
  4. The end (Kraj).

Check type of data in the Format cell dialog box.

Data entry - Date before 1900, steps:

  1. Select cell.
  2. Type date on the keyboard.
  3. Date before 1900 is accepted as a text.
  4. The end (Kraj).

Warning about keyboard keys:
    Key TAB change active cell - move to the next cell.
    Key ENTER finish enter data into cell and change active cell.
     Arrow keys are used to change active cell.

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