Insert the cell(s)

To Insert the cell(s) choose CELL item in INSERT menu. Excel will opened the Insert dialog box:

Radio buttons


Shift cells right

Shift cells on the right from the selected cell.

Shift cells down

Shift cells down from the selected cell.

Entire row

Insert a new row and shifts down all rows from selected row.

Entire column

Insert a new column column and shifts on the right all columns from selected column.



Insert the cell(s), steps:

  1. Select the cell(s).
  2. INSERT menI.
  3. CELL item.
  4. Choose shift cells to the right SHIFT CELL RIGHT radio button
    or shif cells down SHIFT CELL DOWN radio button...
    or Insert new row or column.
  5. The OK button.
  6. The End (Kraj).

Cell    Index