VLOOKUP - Student grades, final grade

Grade sutdent by using table for grading

Učenik Bodovi
Učenik 1 2,86
Učenik 2 1,40
Učenik 3 4,99
Učenik 4 1,12
Učenik 5 4,60
Učenik 6 2,36
Učenik 7 3,45
Učenik 8 4,33
Učenik 9 2,95

Picture 1.Student score

Picture 2. Grade scheme


Picture 3. document after counting

Picture 4. student score and ocjene

cell content C2 is=VLOOKUP(B2;$E$2:$F$7;2)

VLOOKUP - Student grades, final grade, steps:

  1. Student name,points and grading scheme
  2. Choose cell for grade (C2).
  3. = beging of the formula.
  4. Enter VLO pressing on TAB rest of the formula is chosen VLOOKUP(
  5. Cell with points (B2) .
  6. Range with grade scheme (E2:F6).
  7. Apsolute range of the adress ($) we get by pressing function key
  8. To choose grade we use secind collom from grade scheme(2).
  9. Set mouse on marker fill .
  10. Double click
  11. Fill formula for rest of the cells is done by doubl clicking mouse on marker fill
  12. The end (Kraj).
