abc Audio - 6. razred - Lekcije /LESSONS/
5.6 The famous four
Reading and vocabulary

Andy and Kate are good friends with their neighbors Filip and Ana Uzelac. Last year, they made friends with their cousins from the Republic of Srpska, Marko and Milica. Yesterday, Milica sent them an e-mail:
Dear Ana and Filip, Kate and Andy,
A few days ago, my parents, Mark and I went to a fantastic concert. Three very young music stars from Serbia came to Banja Luka and delighted us all. They are Nemanja Radulovic, Aleksandar Sedlar and Ksenija Milosevic, Nemanja is an amazing violinist and is already world-famous for his skillful and lively style of playing. He almost made me cry when he played Dvorak's “Songs my mother taught me“, and his Paganini in rock style is something that everybody must hear. Aleksandar is a musician and a composer. In an Internet article they called him the “Serbian god of guitar”. He composed a beautiful music piece, the fairy tale “Moon's daughter”. You can find it on the Internet, but a true concert is always better. Ksenija is also a great violinist and a singer with a charming voice, and in this concert she sang with them an impressive traditional song from the Balkans.
And now, some good news for you! They say they are coming to Chicago soon. I know you all love music very much. Ana, you want to be a singer. Kate, you play the flute and Andy plays the guitar. Our friend Lisa plays the violin and her cousin is a famous rock guitarist. You must all go and hear this concert. Please check the dates on the Internet and have fun!


Irregular verbs in this lesson ( audio & QUIZ >>>):

1. be was/were biti
2. come came doći
3. find found naći, pronaći
4. go went ići
5. have had imati
6. know knew znati, poznavati
7. make made praviti, napraviti
8. say said reći
9. send sent poslati
10. sing sang pjevati
11. teach taught učiti, podučavati
  can could moći
  hear heard čuti

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Igra Vjеšala: Lekcija 5.5. Get ready to Rock and Roll

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