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planareal.jpg (29315 bytes) Schonbrunn Palace,

" Symmetry and ornament ,
the past and the present,
destruction and reconstruction,
the Imperial dynasty and the citizen,
state ceremonies and family festivites,
Baroque and Rococo,
monarchy and republic,
love and power
stand face to face
and merge together
in a fount of Beauty. "

                    Joseph Weinheber

hg144004_small.jpg (7609 bytes) In 1854 the bedchamber of Emeperor Franz Joseph I and his wife Elisabeth was refurbished with panels and curtains of blue Lyons silk. The rosewood furniture was a wedding gift from the Association of Viennese Cabinet-Makers to the cabinetmaker Franz Joseph. The walls of this room are decorated with pictures of flowers in Rococo frames, witch were embroiderd by Maria Theresa and her daughters.
On the walls, witch are covered in brown rep, hang paintings by Franz Russ (1863) of Emperor Franz Joseph I and his beloved wife Elisabeth. The emperor spent many lonely hours every day at his desk, industriously fulfilling his duties as head of government.



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