× Index 1. Introduction 2. Concept 3. Judgement 4. Conclusion Quiz

abc Logic


„Semiology is a science which studies signs,laguages,codes,signalisations,etc. When taking this definition into account,we conclude that language is a part of semiology.On the other hand,most people agree that language should be acknowledged with a priviliged independent position and that is why semiology is being defined as a „a study of not-linguistical system of signs“. Ferdinand de Saussure has thought about semiology as a science which studies the life of signs in social life,but Pers emphises its logical function.But still both of these aspects of signs are closely connected and words semiology and semiotics cover today the same discipline,only difference is that Europeans and Anglosaxons use different names to define the same term.In that way,from the very start of the century one general theory of signs has been conceived,which instantly hogged the limelight and  drew the attetntion of logicians under the name general semantics.”