abc Logic
abc Logic
"The thought about important characteristics of the things we think about", is towards Gaja Petrovic the definition of concept.
The assemblage of important labels of a concept is the content of the concept.
Connotation is an assemblage of characteristics of labeled objects which make the meaning of a given term.
The volume of a concept is an assemblage of singular cases on which one concept reffers to.
Denotation is an area of an object labeled with a given term.
Identity is the commonality between volume and content of two subjects.
Y² = Y x Y
Image design: Mihajlo Bulaja, Gimnazija Banja Luka.
Image design: Mihajlo Bulaja, Gimnazija Banja Luka.
Superior and subordanate concepts
An example of superior and subordanate concepts,which are given as examples by Gajo Petrovic in his Logic is:
'student' and 'senior' 'plant' and 'living being'
Image design: Mihajlo Bulaja, Gimnazija Banja Luka.
Coordinated concepts are concepts 'horse' and 'elephant'.
Concepts that are subordanate to the higher concept of the same kind and in their content have mutually unbindible labels,so they can't have not even partially similar volumes are called coordinated concepts.
Image design: Mihajlo Bulaja, Gimnazija Banja Luka.
Disparate concepts are concepts 'reneissance music' and 'square'.
Image design: Mihajlo Bulaja, Gimnazija Banja Luka.
Equivalent (equally worthy) concepts are concepts 'writer of 'The being and time''.
Concepts that have different content and the same volume are called equivalent(equally worthy) concepts.
Image design: Mihajlo Bulaja, Gimnazija Banja Luka.
Definition is a statement which unequivocally determines the content of one concept.
Image design: Mihajlo Bulaja, Gimnazija Banja Luka.