Mouse pointer changes appearance depending on the activity that is done and the object it shows.


  1. Change mouse pointer into text;
  2. Mouse pointer has this appearance ;
  3. The End.
  4. Animation

2. Mouse pointer selects cursor position , steps:

  1. Move mouse pointer on the chosen text.
  2. Click the desired place in the text .
  3. That becomes new cursor position.
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

3. Mouse pointer disappears while entering text, steps:

  1. Click the text;
  2. Pointer disappears;
  3. The End.
  4. Animation

4. Selecting text , steps:

  1. Double click the text;
  2. Pointer changes appearance into an arrow while it is above the selected object pointer_strelica;
  3. The End.
  4. Animation

5. Selecting row, steps:

  1. Set mouse pointer left from the text (margine);
  2. Click the left margine ahead row begining;
  3. Text becomes selected , pointer changes into an arrow pointing to the right pointer_strelica_u_desno;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

6. Selecting tool from toolbar, steps:

  1. Select object, in this case text;
  2. Click on the button in the toolbar pointer_strelica;
  3. Text changes appearance according to selected parameter;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

7. Selecting tool from mini bar , steps:

  1. Select object, in this case text;
  2. Click the button in mini bar (mouse pointer looks the same like when working with toolbar) ;
  3. Text changes appearance according to selected parameter;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

8. Using window parts , steps:

  1. Select window part;
  2. Move mouse pointer on the window part , then mouse pointer becomes an arrow pointing to the left ;
  3. Click the window part or use drag & drop;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

9. Splitting window , steps:

  1. Move mouse pointer on the SPLIT button , pointer changes appearance into horizontal lines with up and down arrows ;
  2. By drag & drop method the window splits into two parts;
  3. The End.
  4. Animation

10. Selecting table, steps:

  1. Set mouse pointer near the table;
  2. Above the table to the left , a button for selecting table shows up strelice_select_table;
  3. By clicking this button the whole table is selected;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

11. SELECT COLUMN, steps:

  1. Set mouse pointer near the table top;
  2. Mouse pointer changes into a black arrow pointing down pointer_arrow_black_to_down.bmp;
  3. By clicking the mouse pointer the table column is selected ;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

12. Selecting table row , steps:

  1. Set mouse pointer near left table edge (or left cell edge);
  2. Mouse pointer changes into a black arrow pointing to the right pointer_arrow_black_to_right.bmp;
  3. By clicking the mouse pointer the table row is selected ;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

13. Changing table column size , steps:

  1. Set mouse pointer on the vertical table line;
  2. Mouse pointer changes into two black lines with arrows left and right ;
  3. By DRAG & DROP method table column width changes ;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

14. Changing table row size , steps:

  1. Set mouse pointer on the horizontal table line;
  2. Mouse pointer changes into two black lines with arrows up and down ;
  3. By DRAG & DROP method table row height changes;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

15. Changing table size , steps:

  1. Set mouse pointer on the lower right angle of the table (square);
  2. Mouse pointer changes into an arrow pointing half left ;
  3. By DRAG & DROP method table size changes;
  4. Animation

16. Changing picture postion , steps:

  1. Set mouse pointer on the picture;
  2. Mouse pointer changes into a plus with arrows in all four sides ;
  3. By DRAG & DROP method picture position changes ;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

17. Changing picture size , steps:

  1. Set mouse pointer on one of the four squares on the picture sides;
  2. Mouse pointer changes into horizontal or vertical line with arrows depending on which square we choose ;
  3. By DRAG & DROP method PICTURE SIZE changes;
  4. The End.
  5. Animation

Appendix   Index